Torque Motor Types and Applications

Torque motors are motors with a par­tic­u­lar­ly high torque. This means that an addi­tion­al gear­box can often be dis­pensed with. This is why torque motors are also referred to as direct dri­ves. These elec­tric motors are usu­al­ly rel­a­tive­ly short com­pared to high speed motors. On the oth­er hand, high torque motors usu­al­ly have a large diam­e­ter. The large diam­e­ter of the rotor ensures a high torque in the low­er speed range. High speed motors, on the oth­er hand, usu­al­ly have a small diam­e­ter. And are usu­al­ly rel­a­tive­ly long. The torque of high speed motors is much small­er in com­par­i­son, but they achieve high­er speeds. In most cas­es, the torque drops much faster with high torque motors. How­ev­er, this depends heav­i­ly on the type of elec­tric motor that is used as a high torque motor. In the YouTube video below, all the main high torque motor types are presented.

axial flux motor vs radial flux motor
High Torque Motor Types, Axi­al Flux Motor (left) and Radi­al Flux Motor (right)

Types of High Torque Motor

AC motors and BLDC motors with­out brush­es are pri­mar­i­ly used for torque motors. These are often also referred to as brush­less DC motors. There are two motor designs of high torque elec­tric motors that are pri­mar­i­ly used. These are axi­al flux motors and radi­al flux motors. Radi­al flux motors can be fur­ther sub­di­vid­ed into two dif­fer­ent types. These are motors with inter­nal rotors and exter­nal rotors. Exter­nal rotors are pri­mar­i­ly used for high torque radi­al flux motors. Trans­verse flux motors can also gen­er­ate high torques. How­ev­er, they are very rarely used in indus­try. Per­ma­nent mag­nets are gen­er­al­ly used for all these types of elec­tric motor. This is because per­ma­nent mag­nets can get a high­er torque out of the motor with the same phase cur­rent. How­ev­er, it is of course also pos­si­ble to build a high torque motor with­out per­ma­nent mag­nets. For exam­ple, as a reluc­tance motor with an exter­nal rotor. In the YouTube video below you can watch an ani­ma­tion of a high torque reluc­tance motor.

Video about High Torque Motors

Design of High Torque Motors

So what makes a high torque motor so spe­cial? The secret of high torque motors is pri­mar­i­ly the large diam­e­ter. This is the main rea­son why axi­al flux motors and exter­nal rotor motors are often used. Because these types of elec­tric motors are well suit­ed for short motors with a large diam­e­ter. It is not the out­er diam­e­ter of the rotor that is impor­tant, but the diam­e­ter of the cen­tral air gap. This is where the mechan­i­cal forces between the rotor and sta­tor are gen­er­at­ed by the mag­net­ic flux. The larg­er the diam­e­ter where these forces arise, the greater the result­ing torque. Of course, it is also pos­si­ble to build high torque motors with a small diam­e­ter, but this is not so easy. Anoth­er impor­tant char­ac­ter­is­tic of high torque motors is the high num­ber of per­ma­nent mag­nets. How­ev­er, the com­bi­na­tion of sta­tor and rotor poles should always be a good match. Anoth­er impor­tant point is the strength and thick­ness of the per­ma­nent mag­nets. The stronger and thick­er the per­ma­nent mag­nets are made, the big­ger the torque will be. Of course, the torque can only ever be increased with­in cer­tain lim­its. And the max­i­mum speed that the elec­tric motor can achieve also decreas­es as a result. This is because the back EMF also increas­es when stronger mag­nets are used. There are of course oth­er ways to increase the torque. For exam­ple, by using a small­er air gap or a high­er phase cur­rent from the inverter.

comparison of high torque motor vs high speed motor
Com­par­i­son of High Torque Motors (right) vs High Speed Motors (left)

Advantages and Disadvantages of High Torque Motors

Due to the high torques of high torque elec­tric motors, an addi­tion­al gear­box is no longer nec­es­sary in many cas­es. This elim­i­nates the loss­es of a gear­box and increas­es the over­all effi­cien­cy of the elec­tric dri­ve. This is because it only con­sists of the high torque motor and the invert­er or pow­er elec­tron­ics. This is a great advan­tage for elec­tric boats and elec­tric air­planes, for exam­ple. But it is also good for elec­tric motor­cy­cles and mobile robots. How­ev­er, high torque motors with­out a gear­box are usu­al­ly larg­er than elec­tric motors with a gear­box. This is because the high torque motor usu­al­ly has a low­er speed than a motor with a gear­box. Due to the low­er speed, high torque motors also usu­al­ly have a low­er pow­er den­si­ty. How­ev­er, the over­all size of high torque motors is usu­al­ly com­pa­ra­ble with dri­ves that have a gear­box. How­ev­er, this is of course also heav­i­ly depen­dent on the type of gear­box that is used.

comparison torque motor without gearbox vs motor with gearbox
Com­par­i­son of Torque Motor (right) with­out Gear­box vs Motor with Gear­box (left)

Applications of High Torque Motors

There are two main appli­ca­tions for which high torque motors are par­tic­u­lar­ly good. The first is appli­ca­tions where high dynam­ics and high accu­ra­cy are required. In oth­er words, appli­ca­tions where an object needs to be moved quick­ly and very pre­cise­ly from point A to point B. These include, for exam­ple, indus­tri­al robots, machine tools and pro­duc­tion machines. On the oth­er hand, high torque motors are espe­cial­ly use­ful for appli­ca­tions where high effi­cien­cy is required. For exam­ple, for long ranges of elec­tric motor­cy­cles and airplanes.

applications of high torque motor
Appli­ca­tions of High Torque Motors

Mobile Applications with Torque Motors

Because of the high torques of high torque elec­tric motors, an addi­tion­al gear­box is in many cas­es no longer nec­es­sary. This elim­i­nates the loss­es of a gear­box and increas­es the over­all effi­cien­cy of the elec­tric dri­ve. The high­er over­all effi­cien­cy is also notice­able when brak­ing. This means that more ener­gy can be recov­ered dur­ing brak­ing than with a dri­ve sys­tem with a gearbox.

Industrial applications with torque motors

Thanks to their excel­lent dynam­ics, high torque motors are also used in pro­duc­tion machines, robots and machine tools. In order to accel­er­ate the mass­es of machines with high torques more quick­ly. By elim­i­nat­ing the need for a gear­box in a machine tool, a high torque motor not only allows work­pieces to be machined faster, but also more pre­cise­ly. In pro­duc­tion machines, main­te­nance costs can be reduced by elim­i­nat­ing gear­box­es and using high torque motors. This is because it only con­sists of the high torque motor and the invert­er or pow­er electronics.