Training Electric Motors

Training courses for electric motors and power electronics

Training electric Motors

Basics electric Motors I

- Types and designs of elec­tric motors

- Con­texts and basic equations

- per­ma­nent mag­net syn­chro­nous motors

- Types of reluc­tance motors

- Oper­at­ing prin­ci­ple of the asyn­chro­nous motor

- the sep­a­rate­ly excit­ed syn­chro­nous motor

- Selec­tion of the right elec­tric motor

Dura­tion: 1day | Price: 880€
Loca­tion: Berlin

Design of electric Motors II

- Require­ments for the elec­tric motor

- Process steps for design

- elec­tri­cal and mag­net­ic circuit

- mechan­i­cal imple­men­ta­tion of the design

- ther­mal dimensioning

- Con­trol algorithms

- Imple­men­ta­tion for series production

Dura­tion: 1day | Price: 1450€
Loca­tion: Berlin

“Train­ing cours­es for elec­tric dri­ves and aux­il­iary units of elec­tric cars and hybrid vehicles.”

Training Power Electronics

Basics of Power Electronics I

- LV Invert­er for 12V/48V

- pas­sive and active com­po­nents (MOS­FETs)

- Bridge cir­cuits and fil­ter circuits

- ADC pro­cess­ing Cur­rent and voltage

- Speed and posi­tion measurement

- Con­trol algorithms

- Design and cooling

Dura­tion: 1day | Price: 980€
Loca­tion: Berlin

Basics Power Electronics II

- HV Invert­er for 400V/800V

- pas­sive and active com­po­nents (IGBTs)

- Pack­ag­ing and con­nec­tion technology

- Design and cooling

- Reli­a­bil­i­ty and robustness

- HV safe­ty aspects

- EMC challenges

Dura­tion: 1day | Price: 1530€
Loca­tion: Berlin

Next Events in 2023

23.06 Basics of elec­tric Motors I
24.06 Design of elec­tric Motors II

16.06 Pow­er Elec­tron­ics I
17.06 Pow­er Elec­tron­ics II

Our train­ing cours­es are spe­cial­ly designed for elec­tric motors from the auto­mo­tive sec­tor, includ­ing trac­tion dri­ves for elec­tric cars and hybrid vehi­cles, but also for aux­il­iary units such as elec­tric air con­di­tion­ing com­pres­sors and water pumps.

It is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant to us to estab­lish a link to prac­tice with con­crete exam­ples. This also includes the rela­tion­ship between cost influ­ences and man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es in large-scale production.

The train­ing cours­es take place at our head­quar­ters in Berlin, but can also be held at a loca­tion of your choice if there are eight or more participants.

If you have any ques­tions about our train­ing cours­es, please feel free to con­tact us at any time.