Inverter for Electric Vehicles

Hardware and Software Architecture of Inverters

HV Inverter

“Cost reduc­tion of 400V and 800V invert­ers for elec­tric vehicles.”

Inverter Hardware Architecture

derive the Hardware Architecture from Inverter Requirements

In invert­ers of elec­tric vehi­cles, the pow­er semi­con­duc­tors con­sist of IGBTs, which are con­trolled by addi­tion­al dri­ver mod­ules. In order to be able to dis­si­pate the pow­er dis­si­pa­tion of the IGBTs bet­ter, they are locat­ed direct­ly on the heat sink. The chal­lenge here is to main­tain the best pos­si­ble heat trans­fer and still have suf­fi­cient elec­tri­cal insulation.

The nom­i­nal volt­age range for LV invert­ers is 48V, using MOS­FETs as pow­er semi­con­duc­tors. Due to the low oper­at­ing volt­age, the LV invert­er is rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive com­pared to an HV invert­er, but very lim­it­ed in terms of its max­i­mum pow­er. LV invert­ers are there­fore pri­mar­i­ly used for hybrid vehi­cles with a low elec­tri­cal pow­er in the range of 10kW to 20kW. 

LV Inverter for Hybrid Vehicles

Cost Reduction of the Inverter by Modular System

electric motor inverter

Inverter Software Architecture

Software Development for HV-Inverter

In order to esti­mate what mem­o­ry capac­i­ty the con­troller requires and what com­put­ing pow­er, a soft­ware archi­tec­ture is essen­tial. The start­ing point for good soft­ware is a clear for­mu­la­tion of the require­ments and a clear def­i­n­i­tion of the inter­faces to the hard­ware. Here we can sup­port you with already exist­ing mod­ules, where only the para­me­ters have to be adapted.